Ladybug Blue Dots Background

December 27, 2010

christmastime is here....

We survived the first Christmas in our new home.  While it was a bit harried with changing travel plans and frantic last-minute wrapping, it was a lovely holiday for us.

In my family, we have a tradition that each year, we receive ornaments symbolizing milestones or significant experiences that occurred in the past year.  I remember the year I was confirmed, my parents got me this gorgeous church made entirely of beads that was designed to hang on top of a tree light.  I still have it, and each ornament of mine that I hang each year reminds me of the good and even the not so good things that have defined who I am.

These are our ornaments for this year: 
for anna's baptism....

....for anna's "pretty in pink" birthday party....

....for our new home.

Christmas morning was vastly different than it was last year.  Last year, Anna had zero concept of what was going on, and while I feel certain she still has no clue, she at least had some more definitive reactions to the plethora of "stuff" waiting for her when she came downstairs.

The calm before the storm:


Opening marshmallows from Grandma Davis:

ENJOYING said marshmallows from Grandma Davis. (please note that it took her a solid fifteen minutes to eat the entire thing, and then she proceeded to just hold the last of the marshmallow in her mouth and suck on it for about a half hour.  The drooling was super awesome -- insert sarcastic tone)

Reading one of her new books from Gam and Pop.


Her super-cool new kitchen (which she's NOT stopped playing with....I have the alphabet soup song permanently embedded in my brain, along with that dern duck-chicken-thing's song), courtesy of Gam and Pop.

.....which will come in handy for all those groceries she's going to buy with the shopping cart from Grandma and Grumpy.

Among the gifts Anna received from Santa, she received TWO new babydolls, along with a stroller to push them around in.  She thought her baby might be thirsty, so she shared her milk with her (I nearly died of an overdose of CUTE).

She eventually did become an EXCELLENT helper, tearing tissue and wrapping paper, and she would even walk it over to the trash bag and put it in.  She's such a good housekeeper.  With the vacuum she received from her grandparents......which, I must say (and I don't mean to get off on a rant here, BUT), I find highly insulting because they've had 30 years of experience in what a horrible housekeeper I am, and I take it as a direct slam on me that even my 1-year-old could do a better job.  Just sayin'.

Her new toychest from Santa:

Some of our other "loot":
yes, virginia, that is an ice cream maker....with dairy-free recipes.  That 8-pound weight gain I've experienced since breaking my foot could very quickly double, I fear.
ice cream scoop....a very appropriate accessory and excellent stocking-weigher-downer.
 okay, this made me CACKLE.  Her Great-Uncle Gary sent her a Target Gift Card.  She scooped up the envelope, took the gift card out, handed it to me, balled up the envelope, walked over to the trash can, opened the lid, and dropped it in.  seriously.  best. housekeeper. ever.

We were so fortunate to have Gam and Pop here for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, and Anna enjoyed LOTS of snuggles from them.

We were sad that they had to leave early, though.  We had a predicted storm that was deemed not likely on Thursday, then highly likely on Saturday.  However, as the weatherman said, "If you have family traveling tomorrow, I'd send 'em home today if I were you." It was probably a good idea for them, though, as we certainly enjoyed a very white day-after-Christmas.



In the aftermath, it looked like Toys R Us either exploded or threw up in our living room.  I would imagine we'll be digging out of snow AND presents for several weeks to come.  But, it was all certainly worth it, and we and our girl are ALL enjoying playing with our new toys!




December 20, 2010

been an awful good girl, santa hurry down the chimney tonight

We set out this morning for a feat we missed out on last year.....visiting with Santa.  Anna got all dolled up, and if I do say so myself, we have ourselves one precious child.  Thanks to her Auntie Amy (okay, her cousin, but they share initials, so she's AUNTIE) for the adorable dress.


We spent close to 2 hours in line.  Anna was the perfect child.  NO.  REALLY.  Other Moms were jealous.  She was so chill.  She laid her head on my shoulder.  She ate her cereal bar with no tantrums.  When I set her down and it came time to move ahead in line, she took my hand and walked all by herself.

And....when she finally got into see Santa (who knew her name, by the way....and I quote, "Well Matthew and Mackenna, Merry Christmas.  Try to be as good as you can this week.  But, now I have to talk to my Little Miss Anna".  Yeah.  Knew her name BEFORE I told him.  Gotta be the real thing, here.).....SHE.  DIDN'T.  CRY. 

I'm praising the Good Lord right about now.  She was PERFECT, and now, I finally have a Santa pic for her scrapbook.  I'm kicking myself for not going last year.

I must share pics of Miss Thang napping on her Daddy Saturday.  I had to reminisce because these pictures look so dern familiar.....


Behold, a 5-day old baby napping on her Daddy....much like what you see above.


Am I right?

We are so incredibly blessed.  I'm looking forward to all her milestones to come.  She now can say (well, the words resemble) milk, diaper, and ball.  She has an infectious laugh.  She's also learning to use utensils very well now. (as always, click on the bolded links for videos)

Merry Christmas!

December 19, 2010

merry crisis

Okay, Virginia.  Shut the state down.  Close the schools.  Hoard food.  Swarm the grocery stores and punch people in the face for the last loaf of bread.  Board up your windows.  Hide your children.  Bar the doors.

It's snowing.  They're calling for up to an inch.


We were off last Monday AND Thursday and Friday, allowing our kids an extra 2 days of Winter Break (which officially starts tomorrow).  Monday was a joke, really.  Thursday and Friday were pretty legit, though, based on the obstacle course that became getting out of our driveway without winding up in the neighbor across the street's yard.

At least it gave me an opportunity to FINALLY decorate.


Yes, that IS a top hat atop our tree.  Be jealous.  Be very, very jealous.

And, a beautiful photo opportunity on Monday.  No, I'm not in the picture.  I'm taking the picture.  And I'm still in my pajamas with mascara smeared all over my face and a serious case of bedhead.  No one needs to see that.

December 8, 2010

getting there

We are almost ready for Christmas.

Sparkly trees?  Check.

Stockings hung by the....well, catwalk?  Check.


Funky "garlands"?  Check.



Fire going?  Check.

Now all we need is a tree, a big ol' batch of cookies, and some hot chocolate, and we're SET!

November 27, 2010

a whole lotta thankful

Everyone says they have a lot to be thankful for at Thanksgiving. But, really, people.....we have A LOT to be thankful for this year. Among the things we're thankful for: An incredibly adorable daughter....
....a fabulous daycare center where our baby girl is loved all day long by her teachers. Eric got to witness first-hand on Wednesday how lunchtime goes. Parents were invited to take part in a "pot-luck" luncheon with their kids -- translation: come and watch you kid eat lunch. Eric had little interest in bologna sandwiches and applesauce (can't say I blame him). But, he did get some great pics.
this girl never met a carb she didn't like.
somebody REALLY likes him some applesauce.
lucas has a whole lotta lovin' to give, and was desperately trying to climb up in eric's lap. seriously, folks. WHOLE lotta lovin' to give. there's not been a day i've picked anna up that he hasn't sprinted at me and buried his head in my knees to give me a hug....including the first time i met him. no stranger anxiety there.
Looks like nap time to me.
Poor Miss Emily....she has her hands full on a daily basis. But she's SO great with those kids and we love that she loves our girl.
We also APPRECIATE that she tolerates Anna's tantrums. AK had a momentary lapse of "wait....I'm not going with you? You're leaving me here? Again? This is, like, the second time today. Get back here!"
But, mostly? We're thankful that, as Eric put it, for the first time in 15 years, he was able to have Thanksgiving in his own home -- our home -- with his whole family (yes, included). We're thankful that Gam, Pop, Aunt Carrie, Uncle Greg, Natalie and Danny came to our home for Thanksgiving this year....and no one had to stay in a hotel. We enjoyed jammied mornings filled with the scent of coffee and muffins. We listened as babies screamed with delight and vied for the attention of their parents and grandparents. We marveled at our Natalie, who gets more grown-up each time we see her.
We celebrated Pop's birthday on Wednesday night with a little cake and a little singing.
Anna traveled from one grandparent to the next, achieving a "progressive reading" of Goodnight, Moon.
The kids took turns playing in the new tunnel tent, riding the toy car, and doing the chicken dance, courtesy of duckie-chick (seriously, what the heck is that thing???)
okay, so i use the term 'took turns' loosely. ak has some sharing issues.
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we gots us a yoga baby right there.
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poor greg....but that kid is soooooo worth all the abuse he puts anybody through....i mean, come on, look at that face
I, once again, attempted to experience what life might be like if we'd had twins.
Photobucket don't think i could've handled two of anna. danny -- yup. anna -- nope.
Thanksgiving Day, the kids enjoyed some fresh air and some great photo ops.
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With the help of my amazing Mom, Eric and I successfully completed our very first Thanksgiving as hosts. I didn't burn the turkey, and his London broil got rave reviews.
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girlfriend does love her grandparents -- all four of 'em.
And, to leave you this long holiday weekend, my favorite shot from this weekend -- me and my fave niece and nephew. I always wanted to be an aunt, and I can't imagine having any better kids call me Aunt Katie than these two.
Happy Thanksgiving!