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January 10, 2010

A Very Merry Unbirthday!

Anna turned 6 months old on Thursday -- where has the time gone???? To this point, she can now sit up, stand (if you hold her hands for balance), and addition to all those previous milestones! She's also quite the talker. She babbles and coos, even both delight and disgust. She's still teething; both bottom teeth have broken through! She has a very discernible palate -- she loves squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, and bananas....she DETESTS green beans, prunes, and pears. She's still happiest when she first wakes up: Ready for breakfast! Post-meal playtime -- mandatory for proper digestion: Sitting up like a big girl! Scooty McScooterson: Who could resist pinching those cheeks??? Doing her vocal warm ups just like Momma taught her! Getting some support from her bouncer while she exercises those leg muscles: A birthday bath -- just the right way to make her feel like a brand new woman! Let's just hope the next six months don't go by as quickly as the first 6! Sheesh!

January 2, 2010

Baby's First Christmas!

We awoke Christmas morning with snow on the ground. We came downstairs to find that Santa had left lots of goodies for Anna! There was a walker, lots of books, clothes, and the piece de resistance, the Baby Einstein Musical Bouncer. She wasn't quite sure how to take this new-fangled contraption when we first set her in it...... .....But, she eventually warmed up to it! We spent Christmas Day at Diane's and got to catch up with all the Hinkle cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Davis. Anna was dressed to the nines as usual in her new purple pant-suit..... On Saturday, we drove up to Baltimore to visit with Daddy's side of the family. Anna was SO excited to see her Aunt Carrie! And to play with Natalie, who was quick to teach her how her Counting Cow worked: We put the babies on a blanket at Lisa and David's and a rolling contest quickly ensued. Danny won by a long shot! Sunday was a GO RAVENS! kind of day, with all the kids decked out in their game gear....and a few other festive accessories.... All in all, a great holiday week! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!