Our baby girl is legit. She was baptized at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart this past Saturday. She looked so precious in her little dress, and we were so proud to show her off.
The bowl he's holding was my christening bowl that was used to baptize me on November 9, 1980. It is engraved: KFD 11-09-80 AKL 6-26-10. Hopefully, it will hold many more sets of initials and dates for generations to come.
She handled the water like a PRO!
She got a well-deserved high-five when all was said and done.
With her Aunt Carrie and Uncle Greg, her godparents.
With both sets of grandparents.
Christmas Card photo? It could happen.
We headed back to Grandma and Grandpa Davis' house for some much-needed playtime.
She and Danny played very nicely together.
umm.....can you get that thing out of my face, please? 'k. thanks.
Natalie showing them how it's done.
I don't know what's funnier....the fact that he looks like he did something wrong or the fact that he is, in reality, playing with one of the dog's toys.
lovin' this picture.
She's always such a good helper. Then again, I promised her the first piece if she helped me out. Cake cutter, I am not.
Danny pre-diabetic coma. (I'm totally kidding, but boyfriend enjoyed him some CAKE)
My dear Mother in Law....none of us have the heart to tell her she has a problem. (I'm totally joking, I don't know I've ever seen the woman drink a drop of an adult beverage).
Getting a bottle from her Gam.
Sunday morning, the party resumed at our house with coffee cake and donut holes. And playtime. There's always playtime.
L'il man lovin' him some MARACA!
Seriously, Greg. You need to go ahead and get that shotgun and a padlock for her bedroom door. Because boys are going to be swarming your house before you know it.
This girl LOVES her some Aunt Carrie.
I can't quite figure out if he's sharing a puff with her, or if he's trying to push her away. Either way, it's totally cute.
We got Danny standing! Mobility, here he comes!
One thing you can say about those Longo kids....they sure do make some pretty girls. (and handsome boys, too!!!)
Anna playing "Honk, Honk, Beep" with Gam and Pop. It's her favorite game....not so much ours. I really do enjoy breathing. I completely take it for granted.
There were a few more shots and a couple of videos, as well. Here is the link for the entire album.
We thank our families -- even the extended ones -- for coming to our girl's special day. Only a few more days until the next grand festivity. Everyone got their pink ready?