Ladybug Blue Dots Background

September 29, 2010


Seven years ago, a young man bought a house. And that house was built.
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And as time passed, life happened. He got married. He and his wife had a child. And, eventually, they outgrew their home.
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And, so, the time came to leave. So, they packed.....
....and packed....
....and packed....
....and....well, you get the idea.
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And when the house was empty, they left their keys on the kitchen counter along with a note welcoming first-time home-buyers to their new home, and with a bittersweet feeling, left that home to start fresh.
seven years for eric....three for me. it was a good house. On Thursday, Eric turned 37. With the insanity of the day, not much could be done by way of celebration, but I did manage to slip SpiderMan into a blueberry muffin.
On Friday, we took care of some odds and ends, stopped by Short Pump for a quick lunch, and then made our way over to the lawyer's office to sign our lives away. Welcome to our new home. 601 Coalbrook Drive
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The kitchen:
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The Family Room:
Master Bedroom:
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Master Bath:
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The Rec Room aka: Eric's ManCave:
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Living Room sans furniture:
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Now home to a circa 1920 Regent Baby Grand Piano. It's my new favorite thing.
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Dining Room sans furniture:
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Why, hello Haverty's floor sample sale.
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And, the house isn't the only thing that closed this weekend. "Pippin" played its last show on Sunday, September 26th. It was a long time in coming, but being back on stage has proven to be the highlight of my year. I have so missed the camaraderie of a cast family and the rush that pulses through my veins when I hear "Places, please". It was a very hard show to leave, but I know there will be many more in my future.
From pippin 1
From pippin 1
From pippin 1
From pippin 1
For better viewing, click on the picture to make it bigger.
All this closing had us quite tuckered out.