Ladybug Blue Dots Background

August 29, 2011

earthquakes and hurricanes and....well, isn't that enough??

No, there will be no witty Wizard of Oz "Oh, my!" pun entered here, because we're DONE with natural disasters for a while.  I realize things come in threes, but we can just put that little trifecta off for the time-being, okay?

This week has been one of the most insane I've ever lived through.  I consider myself to be well-traveled in the world of natural catastrophe.  I spent 5 years in Florida, 27 miles from the Gulf Coast.  I've been through a few hurricanes.  I bailed waist-deep water out of a basement using empty Zephyrhills gallon jugs.  It was the ultimate exercise in futility, but it was a ton of fun (insert completely serious tone....for once, I'm not being sarcastic). 

I lived in Oklahoma for 2 years, and, during that time, I endured weekly tornado drills, witnessed a couple, outran one (yes, stupid.  I KNOW.), and rode one out in the basement of a Super Target (who needs to hightail it on over to the east coast because it's the most wonderful store since EVER). 

Earthquakes were my one big phenomenon un-conquered.  So, imagine my frustration, dismay, disappointment, when I arrived home on Tuesday from school to a ringing cell phone and a frantic mother asking if I was all right.  Of course I'm all right -- why shouldn't I be??  It's sunny.  There's no wind outside.  Last I checked, all inmates were fully present and accounted for at the nearest penitentiary.  An earthquake?  HERE?  In RICHMOND????  We do realize this is the East Coast, right?  I'd missed it.  I was in my car when it hit, riding up the hill to our house and wondering why all of our neighbors were standing outside.  I just figured it was a common "off" day for these folks, and I suppose I now know why they were all looking at me like I had 3 heads as I rode by honking my horn, smiling and waving like a Wal-Mart greeter hyped up on too many lattes. 

This wasn't the first quake to hit the area.  Back in 2003 while I was living in OKC, I arrived home from school one day and did what I always did -- called my Mom to check in and re-hash my day.  While I was on the phone with her, I heard a few choice words out of her, my Dad, and Diane as they experienced a little bit of "shake, rattle and roll".  It would seem that Midlothian has a pretty sizable fault line running through it.  Of course, we're certainly not talking about any sort of San Andreas, but it's pretty impressive none-the-less.

So, I missed it.  I spent the next two days hoping for a tangible after-shock (yes, I am a sick woman), but it never came.  Totally. Bummed. 

Let's fast forward a mere couple of days to "Irene Watch".  This little minx didn't have her coffee, her man left her for a younger, blonder woman, she's probably PMSing and her kids are driving her up a wall.  She was just a wee bit ticked, and she's headed for the East Coast.  So, we battened down the hatches, bought a case of water and some candles and settled in for what we expected to be a less-than-spectacular storm.  To be honest, I've seen worse.....MUCH worse.  However, we were some of the lucky ones.  There were pictures and videos from around the area of folks who weren't so fortunate.  Here are a few of the images shared by friends on Facebook.  Bear in mind, these were taken mere minutes from our neighborhood.

We were without power for a few hours.  We also lost some siding and half a tree in the backyard, and there was PLENTY of leaf-picking to be done around the property, but all-in-all, we're no worse for the wear.

We took a little loop around the neighborhood and found plenty of folks who had a smidge more work ahead of them.
 the leaning trees of the grove....

 according to neighbors, yes, there was actually a car under that for a time.

 screens out

 this tree was blocking the main road heading out the back way.  to my knowledge, it's still there.

 tree blocking the path to the swings.  someone was very upset.....

As we ventured around the block, we made a mental note NEVER to plant a purple plum tree in our yard.  See evidence why:  (and no, this is NOT the same tree over and over)

But, despite a little debris, we had an excellent helper who was eager to grab a broom and pitch in.

Hope everyone else is OK!

August 28, 2011

a welcome reunion

A couple of weeks ago, we still had a PC that worked.  That lasted all of about enough time for me to upload these pictures before the whole system went on to its great reward, having served this family well.  However, we don't miss it that much.
 Now that we're back in the land of the information super highway with all important documents uploaded and saved (and by important, I mean Eric's, since our external hard-drive didn't seem to like me very much, but, then again, I wasn't its original owner.  It definitely held its loyalty where it was due), I can finally update our activities.
We had a rare opportunity a couple of weeks ago -- the opportunity to get my Mom's whole family together for a CELEBRATION.  A celebration of life.  And, for the first time in our long history of reunions and celebrations, it wasn't a "celebration of life: funeral style".  Yes, that sounds awful, but it was all anyone could talk about -- how rarely we get to see each other outside of funerals (and weddings, of course, but we don't have many of those anymore since most of the adult cousins have been married off).  
 So, off to West-by-God we went:   
ah, the K&W Cafeteria -- our go-to spot for lunch anytime we made the hour-long trek into Bluefield for a day of shopping at the Mercer Mall (the only mall, mind you, in a 50-mile radius).
We were off to celebrate Mary Ruth's 85th birthday.  She had no idea any of us were coming, nor did she suspect that a party was being held in her honor that day.  She had gotten all dolled up that morning to attend a wedding in the afternoon.  On the way, my cousin, Julie, told her she wanted to stop by and see the church where her parents had gotten married.  She was pleasantly surprised when she came in.
 getting ready to watch the family slideshow.  I wish I had a copy of this -- so many amazing memories and photos of those we've lost.  There weren't many dry eyes in the room!  On screen now: Bill, Diane and Mary Ruth around the time their son, David, was in service.
The cousins had a blast playing together, old and young, but these two were inseparable the entire afternoon.   
The afternoon was filled with a whole lot of happy -- catching up with family and old friends, snuggling with little ones (including meeting the newest members of our family, twins Violet and Lily, who belong to my cousin JoAnna). 





Mom's best childhood friend and a surrogate Mom to me -- Gerpie.  While she has 3 boys and 6 grandkids of her own, Anna was like her 7th for the afternoon!


After the party, we ventured up to Memorial Gardens.  It's been 3 years since I've been back to WVa, and I still had yet to see my grandmother's grave.  It was a very emotional time for my Mom and I, but it was nice to be able to introduce Anna to her Great-Grand A.  She even said, "Hi, Gram Rose".


We concluded the day's celebration with dinner at the Bluefield Country Club.  Anna thoroughly enjoyed her grilled cheese and just about everyone else's course of side dishes that would share.

A tiring.....but ENJOYABLE......time it was, and all agreed it should be repeated ANNUALLY.