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April 9, 2012

life as we know it

It's going to take us some time and lots of patience to get used to life with two kids.  Granted, the youngest is still in slug mode - eating, sleeping, and "outputting" like a champion.  She can't roll yet (though, trust me, she tries), so we can plop her pretty much anywhere and know that she'll still be there when we return (ie: from refilling a water glass or using the facilities or searching for the 2-year-old who just happened to open EVERY one of the six boxes of Girl Scout cookies and devoured some Thin Mints.....or written on the kitchen cabinets in Sharpie.....). 

But, despite some new kitchen decor, an extra load of minty-chocolate laundry, and a severe lack of sleep, we really are blissfully happy.  Alexandra is such a welcome addition to this house, and Anna loves her baby.

Headed home....


Easter weekend came and went this year fairly uneventfully.  We managed to venture out for Alex's first "official" outing, and I'm still patting myself on the back for managing to make it the quarter mile to the playground on foot AND live to tell the tale (subsequent c-sections are NO JOKE, folks).

Our little daredevil is quite the risk-taker on the swings.  She LOVES to fly high, and it gives me a heart attack everytime I see her soaring, but it makes her ridiculously happy.  Who am I to complain?

The little bird was less than impressed. (*ever since her first ultrasound profile shot, I've thought she looked like a little baby bird....even now, she has this innocent little bird-like look to her*)

In spite of our failure to make a big to-do over Easter like we have in the past, the Big Bunny himself still managed to forgive us and regale the girls with some fun toys and yummy treats.

The sly hopper even managed to keep us on our toes Easter morning by hiding some eggs in random places throughout the house.  Found inside?  Chocolate, jelly beans, and MONEY.  That's my kind of rabbit.

Anna helped Alexandra with her first turn at tummy time.  It lasted all of about 4 minutes, but it made for some cute shots.  Furthermore, it gave our own little bunny a chance to practice stretching those neck muscles.  I swear she'll be sitting up by next week - she's incredibly strong.

~Hoping everyone else's Easter baskets were as full!  *xoxo*