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January 8, 2012

fa ra ra ra ra....ra raaaaaa raaaaaa raaaaaa

*This post has been drafted for over a week.  Apparently, I don't know the difference between the "Save Now" button and the "Publish Post" button....even though they are TWO different colors.  Oops.....*

Another Christmas has come and gone in a whirlwind of festivity.  It literally snuck up on me like a coy child this year; I actually woke up the first day of Winter Break in a panic because I totally thought I'd missed the alarm and was "truant" from school.  Ah, fortune.....

The first few days of break were devoted to baking and getting presents ready for Anna's teachers.  Not to be boastful, but I do take a lot of pride in my little creations for them.

We received SEVERAL deliveries the week before Christmas, but the most significant one is seen below.  With ALL the boys and girls Santa had to get to this year (Christmas snuck up on him, too), he asked Eric to be an honorary elf and help assemble Anna's big present.  Of course, Eric was happy to oblige.  Anything for the big guy.

We spent Christmas Eve with Grand D, Grumpy, Mary Ruth, Diane, and Aunt Vicky. 
Then, it was home to get the cookies and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer.

 she insisted that Santa would want his milk in a Ravens mug....

Christmas morning, and proof that she's my kid.....we had to wake her up.

She insisted on wearing the bow from Aunt Mellanie and Aunt Alexandra's gift.  She didn't take it off ALL DAY.......

Then, it was back to G & G's to open presents.

The hit of *this* party -- a combo chalk/dry-erase board from Amy, Bryan, Cam, and Chris.  Eric and I were giddy over it.  Anna tried to sit in it.

New Crocs from Mary Ruth!!!!

More bows on her head....

To 'wrap up' Christmas Day (sorry, no pun intended), Gam and Pop came up and we had even more present-opening to do.

Anna was very good about helping everyone else open their gifts.  However, she had a hard time allowing Eric to keep his check.....that's my girl!!

Cupcake hat....SO. STINKIN. CUTE.

On Monday, we headed North to see the rest of the Longo/Moller family. 

Natalie plays an EXCELLENT Santa.
We had a few feeble attempts at a pic with Grandpop.....this is the best we could do!
I won't post them all, but between Carrie and I, we took about 54 shots of the 3 kids together trying to find the "perfect one".  I'm not sure we ever did, but we got some good ones!

Mr. Huggles, Danny!  Anna was having no part of affection, but I was lucky enough to get a kiss ;-)

Anna's recently become infatuated with cameras...........following in Aunt Carrie's footsteps????

Other Winter Break activities:
2 trips to the Kennedy Center to see "Billy Elliott" (A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. show!!!!), courtesy of Aunt Mel and Alex, the other, a birthday gift to my parents.
The Hall of Nations:

The ceiling of the Opera House:

A view from the roof-top observation deck:

And, finally, we came to the end of 2011.  We've experienced a great deal of heartache and happy times this year, and we are excited to welcome 2012.  Our friends Mike and Marcie have a New Year's Eve baby, and Miss Riley turned one this year.  We got this shot - probably out first family photo in over 2 years - while we were there celebrating.

CHEERS to all things GOOD in 2012!!

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