Ladybug Blue Dots Background

August 10, 2011

sweet dreams

The time has come to say good bye to AK's crib.  She's at that point where she can just barely creep her leg up to the tippy-top of the edge, and one of these days, she's going to be able to pull herself over.  I like to stay ahead of the curve, so off to the furniture store we went.

Eric spent a tireless weekend tearing apart her old furniture and clearing the room out, hauling endless amounts of bed slats, headboards, and mattresses up to the attic while Mom and I ventured through the madness of Costco to get a new mattress and box-spring.

She spent a week on the mattress (<----- click for video).  The first night went BEAUTIFULLY.  She laid down, snuggled up to her pillow, and fell right to sleep.  The next few days proved to be less than ideal as she screamed for us for hours, woke during the night completely petrified of her suddenly empty room, and vehemently refused to nap.     

The following Friday, the new "suite" arrived.  We're ridiculously happy with it, as is she.  (click HERE.)  Pics of the COMPLETE room are still to come -- we finally got her bedspread set, but making that thing up with the rails is a severe pain in the big toe.



A couple of random shots we've taken over the past couple of weeks -- looking adorable as always and helping her momma feel better after a day of feeling a little overly blah.


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